Teach A Man
Documentary Shorts
"TEACH A MAN," is a short documentary film, which follows a south Trinidad spear fisherman on a trip out to sea. Jason Jones, is a husband, father and commercial scuba diver, who has seen his livelihood threatened by frequent oil spills in the Gulf of Paria. Despite also facing several personal challenges, Jason, is hopeful something can be done to save his community from neglect and economic depression.
Up Next in Documentary Shorts
Papa Machete
Two hundred years ago, the slaves of Haiti defeated Napoleon’s armies in the historic revolution of 1791-1804. One of their weapons was the very tool they used to work the land: the machete. Papa Machete explores the esoteric martial art through the practice and life of a farmer named Alfred Avri...
From as long as time, persons have been living on the streets, some of them as a result of mental health and others because they are not welcomed at home by relatives after spending times in prison or having been deported. The film shares the stories of five people living on the streets of George...