Nearest Neighbours

Nearest Neighbours

Since 2015, at least 16,000 Venezuelans are confirmed to have fled to Trinidad and Tobago. The twin island republic is of one of the most economically viable options for asylum seekers, yet many are unaware of the reality that is to welcome them.

Nearest Neighbours, interweaves the stories of four main sets of characters: a journalist; a couple with three young children and their abuela; a woman who is living in a horse stable among other refugees; and a computer engineer turned construction worker and his family.

The film explores how these refugees and asylum-seekers navigate their environments daily and work to move their lives forward amidst their many challenges, including rampant xenophobia and a lack of legal rights due to the absence of local refugee legislation.

Nearest Neighbours
  • Nearest Neighbours

    Since 2015, at least 16,000 Venezuelans are confirmed to have fled to Trinidad and Tobago. The twin island republic is of one of the most economically viable options for asylum seekers, yet many are unaware of the reality that is to welcome them.

    Nearest Neighbours, interweaves the stories of f...