The Firewalkers of Kali

The Firewalkers of Kali

The Firewalkers of Kali reveals the world of the Firepass ceremony, devotees walked through blazing flames. The ceremony, which was once the most spectacular ritual of Indian immigrants after they left the estates, enjoyed widespread support, until in the 1950s. The growth of a more staid Hinduism, led to its decline. In recent decades, however, Firepass has been revived as part of the emotionally-charged Shakti pujas held in Kali temples throughout Trinidad & Tobago, for the physical and spiritual healing of devotees.

The Firewalkers of Kali
  • The Firewalkers of Kali

    The Firewalkers of Kali reveals the world of the Firepass ceremony, devotees walked through blazing flames. The ceremony, which was once the most spectacular ritual of Indian immigrants after they left the estates, enjoyed widespread support, until in the 1950s. The growth of a more staid Hindu...