El Cast
Narrative Shorts
“EL CAST,” tells the story of young Jonas mostly living on his own. When Jonas loses a package that may cost him dearly, it is up to his quick-witted friend Paz to help him come up with a solution to his problems.
Up Next in Narrative Shorts
One Good Deed
This is the story of 10-year-old Johnny. He is a bright but naughty boy living in a small country village in Trinidad. From terrorizing his brother to stealing mangoes from the neighbors, he causes no end of trouble for his mother. Left alone to look after his brother one day, Johnny’s true natu...
Doubles With Slight Pepper
Starring Errol Sitahal, Sanjiv Boodhu, Susan Hannays-Abraham, “DOUBLES” is set in rural Trinidad. The film tells the story of Dhani, who struggles to support himself and his mother by selling doubles. Doubles, is Trinidad’s quintessential street food. When his estranged father returns from Cana...
“HOGHOLE,” is an award-winning film short film made up of composite Super 8 and HD footage shot and based in the island of St. Vincent. The word ‘Hoghole’ refers to the specific patch of land in St. Vincent where my house stands. My family can no longer live there because of unprecedented crime l...