Green and Yellow
Documentary Shorts
"Green and Yellow," features intimate conversations with Sketch and Yankee, two homeless people in Port of Spain, Trinidad. The film shows the homeless as a neglected part of the social environment, separated from society, and attempts to bridge that barrier.
Up Next in Documentary Shorts
Quiet Revolution
Erle “the crazy runner” is a farmer, adventure racer, barefoot ultra marathoner, and now a major advocate for Permaculture in T&T. He was raised in non-farming African and Canadian urban settings, with no prior knowledge of the Caribbean landscape. Armed only with an old photocopy of a permacultu...
Teach A Man
"TEACH A MAN," is a short documentary film, which follows a south Trinidad spear fisherman on a trip out to sea. Jason Jones, is a husband, father and commercial scuba diver, who has seen his livelihood threatened by frequent oil spills in the Gulf of Paria. Despite also facing several personal c...